​Conference Microphone Software Control
Conference Microphone Software Control
The Bosch products can be enhanced with the use of additional software.
Microphone Management
​This Microphone Management screen shot shows (in green) a list of delegates who wish to speak, along with their organisation /country and seat number. It also shows (in red) the delegate who has been invited to speak.
Smart Card Integration
​In this example every delegate is issued with a smart card, that they insert into the microphone to identify themselves. This means delegates can sit anywhere in the meeting room and still be identified by the chairman without the need to raise their name board or draw attention to themselves in any other way.
Synoptic Map
We can also provide a map type layout of the microphones in the room, called Synoptic. This is provided with a view from the perspective of the chairman of the meeting, so that the delegate or delegated (in red) speaking can be identified. All those in green are the same people in the queue waiting to speak.
​The following modules show all the software options available from Bosch.
DCN SWMM Conference Software Microphone Management
Prepare request‑to‑speak lists
Group and individual speech timers
DCN SWPV Conference Software Parliamentary Voting
Complete operator control of parliamentary voting sessions
Extensive motion preparation facilities
Output voting results to printers
Wide range of vote‑related parameter options
DCN SWSI Conference Software Simultaneous Interpretation
Operator control of interpreter microphones
Configure and control interpretation facilities
Monitor interpreter activities
Adjust individual microphone sensitivity of interpreter desks
DCN SWMD Conference Software Message Distribution
Speak‑slowly request
Help request of delegates and interpreters
DCN SWID Conference Software ID Card Encoding
DCN SWAT Conference Software Attendance & Access
Attendance registration using ID‑card with or without PIN‑code, or present button
Access control using ID‑card with or without PIN-code or PIN‑code only
All data instantly available to operator
Print function to reproduce data
DCN SWSMD Conference Software Streaming Meeting Data
XML streams for easy processing and logging
Interface to video client applications to display meeting data by using video screens or video projectors
Video client application available on DCN‑SW DVD
Example C‑Sharp source code available on DCN‑SW DVD
Software developer manual available
DCN SWAPI Conference Software API
Control DCN meeting, session, discussion and voting
Exchange and synchronize delegate and participants information with 3rd party systems
Import of vote scripts
Encoding ID cards solution for 3rd party systems
C‑Sharp source code example available
DCN SWMPC Conference Software Multi PC
Remote operator application
DCN SWVAML Conference Software Voice Activated Logging Microphone Logging
Log microphone activity to third party applications during voice mode
Use automatic camera control in Voice mode
Record speaker information in Voice mode
See who speaks during Voice mode
DCN SWSMV Smart Control Software Synoptic Microphone & Voting
Synoptic room overview for monitoring and controlling the microphones
Voting control with individual results
Real-time voting results displayed in Microsoft PowerPoint®
On-screen help in many languages
DCN SWWA Conference Software Webcast Application
Broadcast meetings live over the internet
Record live meeting
Publish recorded meeting online
Add PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, Links, Polls and Surveys to agenda items, geographical data
Export recorded meetings to DVD or to an intranet site
DCN SWIND Conference Software Individual Channels
Easy routing of individual audio channels
Up to 26 Individual Channels can be defined
LB4187/00 Conference Software Open Interface
For custom build interfaces to control and to configure the system